Daniel Glass
MIM3: Understanding "Deliberate Practice"
MIM3: Understanding "Deliberate Practice" deliberate practice deliberate practice for drummers freddie gruber talent is overrated the daniel glass show May 08, 2024

Some of you know that I for several years, I hosted a podcast called the Daniel Glass Show, which aired on the Drummers Resource network. I created more than 60 episodes, covering a variety of topics related to drumming, music history, and being a musician in general. I've decided to rebroadcast...

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MIM 2: Analyzing Ash Soan ashsoan drummingmotions motion based system motionbasedsystem what makes this groove great May 08, 2024
Here's the first in a new video series called "What Makes This Groove Great?"

The first episode offers a limb-by-limb deconstruction of the great groover Ash Soan, analyzing the specifics of his MOTIONS. Most drummers make a big mistake when they focus only on patterns as a means to develop their...
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MIM 1 : Journey Of A Thousand Miles - The Story Behind The Album about daniel recording May 08, 2024

I recently released a compilation album called Journey Of A Thousand Miles

This album is a compilation that contains an eclectic mix of tunes from various bands I've led throughout my 30+ year career. It  includes two unreleased tracks, plus a CD-style booklet of liner notes I put together...

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