Are You Ready To Build A Monster,
Unstoppable Groove?
If you're looking to develop a "Golden Groove," this will likely be the most important message you'll ever read.
Hey everybody, Daniel here.
I’m very excited to announce that the cart is officially open and I’m accepting students for “Finding Your Golden Groove” RIGHT NOW.
So let’s jump in and cut straight to the chase. In my six-part video series ALL ABOUT THE GROOVE, I introduced you to the Motion Based System of drumming, and I explained that if you’re looking to develop a focused, deep and impactful GROOVE, it makes a lot MORE sense to focus on MOTIONS as opposed to PATTERNS. (BTW, if you missed the series, you can click here to catch up with it.)
I’ve been teaching this system for more than a decade, helping my students to transform their playing, work with better musicians, land better gigs, and surpass their goals, whether those goals are joining their very first band, or transitioning into becoming full-time professional drummers.
But my students didn’t achieve these milestones because I taught them a bunch of complicated grooves, fills or chops. They made those gains because I showed them how to feel more comfortable, more balanced, and move better and more easily around the drums. Video #5 in the ALL ABOUT THE GROOVE video series featured a case study with my student Jason, who used the Motion-Based System to undo crippling tension, develop a lot more speed, and play with more efficiency and style. And what’s happening with Jason now? Well, he’s been spotted jamming with the guys from Green Day in their side project.
Don't take my word for it. Check out these incredible testimonials from students who've already taken the course.
“I’ve studied with a lot of teachers over the years and interviewed well over 600 of the greatest drummers in the world, and Daniel is the real deal. He’s helped me create a relaxed feel behind the kit and made me look at the instrument in a whole new way. I cannot recommend him enough.”
Nick Ruffini
Drummer and Founder of Drummer’s Resource
Daniel’s Motion Based System has changed the way I approach the drums. My playing is more fluid, clean, economical (in terms of physical movement), pulse-based and looks and feels more effortless in any style. I now focus on working smarter, not harder, letting the sticks do the work for me. I highly recommend Daniel and his very musical approach to drumming!
Karen Biller
Austin, TX
As a lifelong drummer, I thought I had a good understanding of what was involved in playing the drums well. I could never have imagined how Daniel’s instruction would completely transform my technique and approach to playing the instrument. Daniel’s teaching methods “dig deep” and break down all aspects of playing the drum set. The clear step by step instruction on the motions involved enables you to play with a high level of facility and to produce a great sound. Put simply, Daniel’s Motion Based System is the “Holy Grail” of drum instruction!
Herman Kuipers
Sydney, Australia.
Your method and instruction changed the way I played in the best possible ways. The “Grip”, the “Up”, the “Relax”, the “Posture”, etc were all positive improvements in my ability to play better, more focused and with more power and stamina.
As a result, I’ve been able to stay very much in demand throughout the COVID downturn with Groups performing at various Events and Outdoor Venues. From those opportunities, I was asked to join a very successful 80’s Dance Band, called “A New Wave”, playing consistently in the Tri-State area.
John E. Harvie
Rehoboth Beach, DE
Remember, the Motion-Based System puts the focus not on WHAT you’re doing, but on HOW you’re doing it. What I’m really teaching my students is to speak with greater CLARITY, which in turn allows them to connect with their AUDIENCE on a much deeper level.
And speaking with clarity will help you achieve your goals WHATEVER style you play, and whatever level you’re working at.
Again, if you watched Video #5 in my free ALL ABOUT THE GROOVE video series, you got a sense of just how stylistically diverse my student base is. And guess what? EVERY ONE of those students - from jazzers to metal heads and everything in between - worked on the same exercises that you’ll be learning in “Finding Your Golden Groove.” So, I’ll say it again. Whether you’re a rock drummer, a pop drummer, a jazz drummer, a blues drummer, a funk drummer, a punk drummer, or a JUNK drummer, the Motion-Based System WILL WORK for you.
In fact, I’m so confident in this system that I’m going to make a prediction. I believe that the study of motions that I’m discussing here is going to revolutionize what we do as drummers. So the time to get on board and give yourself that edge is NOW.
Not only is Daniel a passionate, thorough, patient and great teacher, his methods are not a gimmick. They truly work. Studying with Daniel completely changed not only how I play the drums, but my understanding of feel, time, and groove. I highly recommend Daniel to anyone who wants to understand and play the drums on a deeper level. He’s an encyclopedia of drums and a really nice person too.
Asa Crusoe
Eugene, OR
Through decades of experience, the knowledge gained from life as a pro, and learning the secrets from s the legendary drum sages, Daniel has distilled all of his wisdom down into a fresh, fun, and easy to learn system that will give you real and tangible results in a short amount of time. He made a noticeably more refined player out of me, and will do the same for you Guaranteed! Sensei Glass is the best drum educator out there without a doubt!
Jean K.
New Jersey
If you're frustrated with your playing and don't know how to fix it, take this course. Daniel is a gifted teacher and using his system has taught me what it feels like to be in control of my technique and groove and to play with confidence and purpose.
Dale Nikula
Orleans, MA
Not only is Daniel the most inspiring and passionate teacher I’ve ever come across, but his motion-based system is a complete game-changer for any serious player.
Bryan O’Flynn
Austin, TX
Okay, so let’s hold up for a second. Cause maybe you’re thinking, “Hey Daniel, are you telling me that if I take your course I’ll be grooving like Steve Gadd or Nate Smith by next week?” Well, I suppose it’s possible, but the truth is, NO ONE can guarantee what kind of results you’re going to get.
My students are always asking me “if I practice amount X, will I get better by amount Y?” And here’s what I always answer. I tell this to my students every day:
“As your teacher, I cannot make you a great drummer. But I CAN show you the pathway to get there and I can give you all the tools you need. Doing the work is on YOU.”
The simple truth is, when buying any type of “how-to” information like lessons, most people DON’T get the results they want. And it’s not because the information isn’t good. It’s because they aren’t fully committed. They don’t put in the necessary work to make it happen.
That said, here’s what I CAN GUARANTEE you. MY job in this student/teacher relationship is to create an environment that will FOCUS you, motivate you, and inspire you to PUT IN the necessary work. And as every one of my students will tell you, I take my job very, VERY seriously.
I’m willing to work as hard as you are to help you achieve your goals and dreams. And I have seen enough success stories among my own students to know that the Motion Based System is the clearest, fastest, most economical pathway toward that Golden Groove that we all desire.
The great results I’ve had with my students is what inspired me to present this course in the first place. So, if you’re serious about this material and you’re really ready to get down to work, I believe your results will surprise you (and in a good way). I'm talking, BLOW YOUR MIND.
My quest for groove started at a drum school - in a class run by Ash Soan. He started playing the drums and it was the first time I can honestly say that I said to myself ‘I want to play like that’. I’ve heard a lot of players in my time but something Ash was doing was so different. It had an immense feel and it moved everybody in the room: I could see it on everyone else’s faces, there was an electricity and everyone was smiling and their heads were going. It was a revelation to me - I can remember it to this day - I wanted to delve deeper and understand it more.
I heard a podcast by Daniel covering the Throw Up technique (It’s all in the Up) and what he was saying made perfect sense to me. So I thought I’d try it out and see what transpired and started having lessons with him.
Fast Forward to the present day and I am still studying with Daniel. I can honestly say that he has transformed my playing in unimaginable ways. In fact, I've now created a successful career doing sessions from my home studio as a direct result of the work we've done related to groove.
Daniel is a great teacher who understands what he is talking about and also has an innate ability to clearly articulate and get his point over to you in a way that you will understand.
These elements of groove and feel are rarely covered in the world of drum instruction and there is a huge void in this area. My recommendation to you is if you’re serious about developing your groove then YOU MUST do this course!!!!
Mark Midwinter
Somerset England, U. K.
Now, I’m sure you’re wondering exactly what’s included in the course, so here’s a complete breakdown.
“Finding your Golden Groove” is made up of 9 modules comprising 31 individual video units.
The course also includes 21 practice videos, as well 16 clips taken directly from one-on-one work with my private students on these exact exercises. When you add it all up and include the many bonuses I’ll be detailing below, the total comes to more than 22 hours of content.
You’ll have your own personal portal to access this content, so you can watch it whenever you want, as many times as you want.
- The course will be “dripped out” over an 8-week period, meaning you’ll receive two modules the first week, and a new one each week thereafter. I’ve set it up this way so you’ll have adequate time to practice.
- As I said in the ALL ABOUT THE GROOVE video series, these exercises are not complex in terms of the independence required. But once you learn them, the real goal is to absorb them to a very deep level - to get them permanently into your muscle memory - and that requires a certain amount of time.
Before we get into the specifics of the course itself, let’s talk a bit about the approach we’ll be taking.
- In most learning situations, whether it’s a lesson, an instructional video or an online course, the instructor typically explains WHAT they’re doing.
- They'll show the hand/foot pattern, and maybe provide you with a transcription so you can see how that pattern is written. But what they almost NEVER tell you is HOW to play that pattern so it sounds and feels the same as when THEY play it.
- And so you walk away with lots of question marks, and often a fair degree of frustration.
- Finding Your Golden Groove goes the OTHER way. It is COMPLETELY rooted in the “HOW.” Everything I show you will be explained in great detail, particularly in terms of the MOTIONS. As I said many times in the All About the Groove video series, the motions make all the difference.

In this course, we’re going to completely re-imagine the basic rock beat in very unexpected and unusual ways, all based around how we MOVE!
In Finding Your Golden Groove, the main groove we’ll be developing is one I'm sure you're already familiar with. It’s the BASIC ROCK BEAT that you learned the first time you sat down at a drum set.
While it may seem strange to go back and relearn what you already “know,” trust me, you're going to experience this groove in a way you never have before. Remember, the magic is in the HOW, not the WHAT.
As the course proceeds, you’ll see how all these “motion pieces” fit together. Your job is to forget what you "think" you know, put on blinders and follow the step-by-step process I show you to the LETTER.
Don’t focus on the big picture or try to implement these exercises into your regular routine. Just practice them on their own - a lot - and I promise that changes to your drumming will happen organically, without you "trying" to make them happen.
This is how the Motion Based System works, and as you move through the course, what I’m talking about will become clearer and clearer.
All for the one-time-only price of $297!
Because I am committed to each student's success, space is limited. Are you ready to create an incredible golden groove you're proud of?
SECURE MY SPOT NOW!With that in mind, let’s walk through each of the 9 modules you’ll be receiving:

Module #1: Introduction:
- Overview of the Motion Based System: How I created it, and the mindset you should use when approaching the material.
- Introduction to “Fang”: The play-along track you’ll be using with the practice videos.
- How you should practice this material: Some very specific notes.

Module 2: Basic Hand/Foot Motions
- Introduces fundamental motions that don’t involve the sticks or pedals.
- Developing the wrist “hinge”: One of the key components of all three major grips.
- Introduces "Interdependence": One of the key concepts in the Motion Based System.
- Basic Foot Motions: Designed to stretch strengthen and BALANCE.

Module 3: Adding Sticks and Pedals
- Introduces the German (aka "Matched") Grip: A grip that most drummers use all the time, but typically know little about.
- The three primary components of German Grip: Hinge, fulcrum and grip components.
- "Interdependence": One of the key concepts in the Motion Based System.
- Foot Motions: Introduces two new foot motions.

Module 4: The “Throw-Up” Exercise
- The "Trampoline Exercise": Introduces the concept of PULSE.
- The "Throw-Up" Exercise: Begin to train your body to feel the UP part of the stroke.
- The "Bread and Butter" Groove: The staple beat used by 95% of all drummers.

Module 5a: The Most Important Fill
- The Most Important Fill = A Crash on Beat One: Most drummers have no game plan for creating this incredibly important motion.
- The Primary Motion: "Release-Arc-Drop"
- Connecting crash cymbal and bass drum: Connecting with consistency and clarity.

Module 5b: Cymbal Crashes + Fill Integration
- Getting In and Out of Fills: What should you be thinking about?
- Developing the Hi Hat Side Crash: Focusing on our non-dominant side.
- Putting It All Together: Working on two key fills from "Fang"

Module 6: The Constant Release Motion
- The Role of the Bass Drum: A frank conversation about topics like “heel up vs. heel down.”
- Introducing the Constant Release Motion: Designed to allow the beater ball to come OFF the head.
- Three Ways to Utilize Constant Release: Creating a legato, flowing motion, using just the foot and the footboard (no contact with the head).

Module 7: More Bass Drum Options
- Two New Constant Release Variations: Up/Down and Down/Heel
- Adapting Constant Release Variations: Into the Bread and Butter Groove
- Focus on Full-Body Interdependence: Getting each limb to do its own job, while synching with the others like a well-oiled machine.

Module 8: What’s Next?
- Review course elements: See how far you've come.
- Adapt Course Elements: To the "real world" of drumming and music.
- Introducing the “Five Fundamentals”: These five basic motions are at the heart of everything we do as drummers: every rudiment, every groove, every fill.
As you can see, the Motion-Based System is NEW way to learn - and I promise it's different from anything else you’ve seen before. There’s no abstract theory, it gets straight to the point and shows you exactly what you have to do to develop a killer feel, pocket, groove, etc. etc..
this course is more like a field guide that’s going to reveal every single secret, every technique, every strategy that’s worked for me and turned my students into success stories.
Free Bonus #1:
Student Feedback Videos
(Value = $1497)
Daniel's Library of Lessons: For many of the exercises we cover in the Finding Your Golden Groove, you’ll be able to watch a video of me working on that exact same exercise with one my private students.
Watch how other drummers approach the exercises you're working on: Learn from their questions and struggles.
Get tremendous, personalized feedback: For a fraction of the price of private lessons, increasing your ability to learn faster and more efficiently.
This bonus is valued at $1497 - it’s a tremendous freebie that you WON’T find in any other online course.
Free Bonus #2:
Q&A Sessions with Daniel
(Value = $797)
Free Bonus #3:
Private Facebook Group
(Value = $397)
You’ll have the opportunity to be part of a unique and exclusive community: The first group of people that are learning the Motion Based System as a team.
Work together and support each other while you’re going through the process: I’ll be jumping into the group as well, as my schedule permits.
Note: As soon as you register for the course, you'll receive instructions on how to join the group.
Free Bonus #4: DG Motivational Talk: The Importance of Form (Value = $47)
(Audio Download, 64 min)
These audio programs are a fun, informative way to get inspired about your drumming, and delve more deeply into my philosophical and conceptual approach to music, drumming and life.
In this talk, I’ll lay out a strong case for the importance of fundamental concepts like posture, grip, and playing on a practice pad. The topic may sound like a snoozer, but trust me, it will help you understand drumming in a whole new way!
Bonus #5: DG Motivational Talk: The Importance of Grip, Pt. 1
(Value = $47)
(Audio Download, 33 min)
In the first of two talks focusing on grip, I'll unpack the fundamentals involved with holding a drumstick, and explain why a deeper understanding of grip is vital if we want to play with greater clarity, consistency and articulation.
Bonus #6: DG Motivational Talk: The Importance of Grip, Pt. 2
(Value = $47)
(Audio Download, 53 min)
In this talk, I’ll continue my in-depth exploration of grip, breaking down each of the three primary grips (German, French and Traditional), sharing their origins, and showing exercises to develop each one.
Bonus #7:
Additional Video Course “Stretching For Drummers”
(Value = $197)
So much of the emphasis in drum education these days is focused on strength. We always hear that when we practice, the goal should be to “build muscle,” increase speed,” and “develop endurance.”
But we very rarely hear about the other side of this coin - stretching and flexibility.
The problem with focusing only and strength is that it lead to excess tension, and you may end up with injuries like tendonitis. If you’ve ever tried to continue playing while healing from an injury, you know it’s like turning around a cruise ship - it takes forever!
Focusing on STRETCHING as well as STRENGTHENING can help prevent injury. But stretching also has tons of other benefits, like keeping you relaxed, improving your breathing, and enhancing control.
If you want a golden groove, stretching needs to be a big part of your drumming routine.
Bonus #8: Daniel's Book:
The Ultimate History of Rock’n’Roll Drumming
(Value = $27)
Originally published in 2003, but now out of print, this book is one of the most comprehensive works ever written about Rock’n’Roll Drumming!
Extensively researched and annotated, The Ultimate History of Rock'n'Roll Drumming incorporates five decades of rock history, more than 500 of rock’s greatest drummers, the evolution of the rock’n’roll drum kit, and 28 of rock’s main sub-genres.
Delivered as a digital download.
I believe the free bonuses alone have the opportunity to transform your life!
You’ll have everything that you need to succeed at Finding Your Golden Groove. As I’ve said before, the Motion Based System is literally the fastest way I know to get your groove to that next level, so right now I’m offering a super, super deal.
You can join the course for a one-time payment of $297. That’s less than the cost of three private lessons. And if you don’t have all the money saved up, you can STILL get all of this content for 4 easy installments of just $74.25. That's less than what most people spend on coffee each month.
Honestly, the way I see it, this course isn’t costing you anything. It’s an investment in your drumming, and in your happiness when sitting behind the kit - and that’s priceless.
You can either use a credit card or PayPal.
Again, if you feel like this is the right option for you, click on the button below, sign up for Finding Your Golden Groove and get access to the complete course plus $3,056 worth of free bonuses”
SECURE MY SPOT NOW!Here’s what happens after that.
As soon as you’ve signed up for my Finding Your Golden Groove you’ll get instant access to the member area where you can set up your own username and password as well as join the Private Facebook Group.
You'll also have access to the first two modules. Each new module will be "dripped out" once a week starting the following week.
Now, to be honest,
I’m going to get a lot of interest in this course, so please pay careful attention to this next part carefully. Time is a factor. Right now, there are over 900 people on the early-bird waiting list and several thousand more across Facebook and YouTube who will be able to sign up when the course opens to the public.
As much as I’d love to help everyone find their Golden Groove, I simply can’t accept more than 250 students and still provide the help and support that everyone needs in order to get results with the Motion-Based System. I simply don’t have the capacity for more.
So time is a factor.
The registration will be open for a few days, but the course will likely sell out much earlier because of the great demand and limited availability. Spots are granted on a first-come, first-serve basis, so if you’re truly interested in learning the Motion-Based System, you need to act as soon as possible. You wouldn’t want someone else to get the spot that’s earmarked for YOU.