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Finding Your Golden Groove

In my six-part video series, I introduced you to the Motion-Based System of drumming, and I explained that if you’re looking to develop a focused, deep and impactful GROOVE - and what drummer ISN’T? - it makes a lot MORE sense to focus on MOTIONS as opposed to PATTERNS.


Module #1: Introduction
Module one will lay out an overview that explains what the Motion-Based System is, how I created it, and the mindset with which you should approach the exercises.

Module 2: Basic Hand/Foot Motions
Module two will introduce you to some basic motions for both the hands and the feet that don’t involve the sticks or pedals at all. 

Module 3: Adding Sticks and Pedals In
Module 3, we’ll introduce the German Grip (also known as the matched grip, which most drummers typically know very little about, even though they use it all the time as their primary grip.

Module 4: The “Throw-Up” Exercise
Module 4 will introduce you to the concept of PULSE, beginning with another stickless warm-up called the “Trampoline” exercise.

Module 5: The Most Important Fill In
Module 5, I’ll introduce what I call “the most important fill,” which is essentially a crash on beat one.

Module 6: The Constant Release Motion
Module 6 will focus exclusively on the feet. We’ll have a frank conversation about the role of the bass drum and the many controversies that have swirled around it forever (including the “heel up/heel down” debate, and the “should we bury the beater or not” debate).

Module 7: More Bass Drum Options
Module 7 will adapt the constant release foot motion into some real world bass drum variations, and you’ll begin to see how your body is moving like a well oiled machine.

Module 8: What’s Next?
In module 8, we’ll review allthe elements of the course and begin to talk about how you can integrate them into the drumming that you do today.



Free Bonus #1: Student Feedback Videos (Value = $1497)

Free Bonus #2: Weekly Live Q&A Calls with Daniel (Value = $797)

Free Bonus #3: Community Forum Group (Value = $397)

Free Bonus #4: DG Motivational Talk: The Importance of Form (Value = $47)

Bonus #5: DG Motivational Talk: The Importance of Grip, Pt. 1(Value = $47)

Bonus #5: DG Motivational Talk: The Importance of Grip, Pt. 2 (Value = $47)

Bonus #7: Additional Video Course “Stretching For Drummers” (Value = $197)

Bonus #8: Free eBook: The Ultimate History of Rock’n’Roll Drumming (Value = $27)